A public art commission for Castle Green has come a step closer as the result of a partnership between Arts Taunton and Somerset West & Taunton Council.
With the Council’s financial support, we’ve commissioned Suzanne Heath to be Creative Producer for the project and to take it to concept design.
By next year we hope that a chosen artist or artist collective will have created a unique temporary artwork inspired by the history of Castle Green and by the story of Taunton people, past and present. There are many stages to go yet, including the selection of a shortlisted artist and significant fundraising. But there’s now a shared determination to work for success.
Castle Green has been at the heart of Taunton for centuries. This is where the town’s Anglo-Saxon minster church stood, and beneath the green hundreds of ancient burials still lie hidden. After that it became the castle’s outer bailey and the setting for the Bishop of Winchester’s great storage barns. Then it was transformed first into a market place and later a car park. Drawing on that rich and various past, the new artwork will be a celebration of the town in what is now a greatly-valued civic space. We’re very excited by the project and planning for the next steps.